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“The Queen’s Gambit” Review

"The Queen’s Gambit" Review

The Queen’s Gambit is an original Netflix series based on a 1983 novel by Walter Tevis about a female chess prodigy set in the mid 1960s. It is the coming-of-age drama of Beth Harmon, played by Anya Taylor-Joy, an orphan who becomes an international chess Grandmaster while struggling with emotional issues including drug and alcohol abuse. After losing her birth mother as well as her adoptive mother, and having an unhealthy relationship with her adoptive father, all she has control over is the world of her chess games. I really enjoyed this show and would recommend it to anyone who is over the age of fourteen, as it does feature substance use and language. I also think that it gave me more insight into what a woman might have experienced during that time period, but could also experience now, in a predominantly male-controlled environment. 

In addition to having a compelling plot, The Queen’s Gambit is also accurate in portrayal of the treatment of females in the community, as said by numerous female chess players when asked by the New York Times ( The 1950s and 60s were very male-driven and females were expected to become housewives, but not all of them were content with this. Beth Harmon, being a female in the chess community, set much of the groundwork for future female chess players. Her boldness to continue in the world where she was considered different and perhaps even strange was an inspiration to many young girls after her. Even though she is sometimes ridiculed and has numerous experiences of men being rude to her, Harmon always keeps her poise and wins gracefully, never losing her cool. Beth is a very thoughtful and methodical person, as one has to be for chess, and I believe that to be one of her most important and admirable qualities. 

In conclusion, I highly recommend this to anyone who wants to be wrapped up in an intriguing plot or even learn a little about chess and how it has, but also has not, evolved over the years.

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