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Parking: Fated Doom?

Parking: Fated Doom?

Amidst all of the crazy COVID-19 concerns going on this school year, there has been another concern voiced by the students: parking spots. Parking has been on the minds of all the upperclassmen. With the largest grade in the school, the Juniors, now old enough to get their licenses, it seems like there won’t be enough parking spots for everyone. At the beginning of the year, student government representative Chelsea Seegars sent out a survey to the Junior class, recording that 76 of the 80 Juniors will be driving to school at the end of the year. She also discovered that about 90% of the Junior class is concerned about finding parking spots at the end of the year, according to a recent survey. Furthermore, about 71% of the Junior class said that they stress about finding school parking spots in the morning, and 85% said they get to school earlier to find parking spots. Why are we running into this issue already if only about 48 Juniors are driving to school right now? It is because, according to security supervisor Ray Matus, there are only 81 student parking spots on campus. Yikes. If 76 Juniors are driving to school by the end of the year, that leaves only 5 spots for seniors, and we all know that won’t fly. So is the parking situation actually fated to blow up? No. Between students staying at home for remote learning, and failed driver’s tests, there is still time before the number of student-drivers surpasses the available spots. During this time, Mrs. Leonard, along with other faculty, is looking into ways to address this issue, and she has already identified additional parking spots that can be allocated for students later in the year. For now, it seems there are still open spots in the Slot, and you will still find a parking spot even if you are rolling into school at 8:25 am. 


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