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January Teacher of the Month: Ms. Sherbondy

January Teacher of the Month: Ms. Sherbondy

Ms. Sherbondy, known colloquially as “Sherbo” to the AIS community, is the Upper School Fitness and Wellness teacher. Along with teaching, she coaches the Upper School JV Volleyball team and the Middle School Basketball team this school year. Although this is only Sherbo’s second year at AIS, she is such a beloved member of this community that her time here feels like much longer!

Sherbo’s love of athletics began in her childhood, where she was born and raised in Connecticut. She played a lot of sports growing up, having a “do it all” mentality where she wanted to try everything and involve herself as much as she could in athletics. In high school, she played basketball and volleyball, going on to play basketball in college for a couple of years. Sherbo studied applied exercise science/kinesiology and biomechanics at Springfield College in Massachusetts, later focusing on Strength and Conditioning. Finding her love of coaching, she traveled to Clemson University, where she became a Strength and Conditioning coach, while simultaneously earning her Master’s degree. 

Outside of AIS, Sherbo enjoys spending time with friends and family, doing activities like puzzles and board games, going to the beach, and traveling. She also volunteers at homeless shelters, working and serving meals. Sherbo is a very “relational person” and loves being around people. Her favorite TV show is Grey’s Anatomy!

Her favorite part of Agnes Irwin is the community, saying that she finally feels “where she is supposed to be” at AIS. She loves working in the PE/Athletics Department, and appreciates their continuing support. Sherbo believes it is an honor to be an educator during this time in history, with all the events going on in the world. She thinks getting to nurture and support high school girls during times like this confirms that teaching at AIS is where she belongs. In the future, Sherbo hopes to continue traveling (post-COVID) and settle down and have a family.

Sherbo is an admired member of the Agnes Irwin community. Along with her never-ending positivity, she is an amazing coach, teacher, and mentor to everyone! Thank you, Ms. Sherbondy, for everything you do for AIS!

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