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The Community in ASA

Photo Courtesy of Tori Summers '21
Photo Courtesy of Tori Summers ’21

This year has been anything but normal. It seems as if we are searching for the normal we once knew, yet we cannot find it. We continue hoping that the normal will soon return, but it seems unattainable, maybe impossible. Even though we all wish for the normal to return, we must make the most of what we have. This year has been filled with many challenges and obstacles, and it seems as if we cannot escape them. To begin, I would like to state that you—yes, you reading this—have already overcome every obstacle you have faced this year, every single one. Whether you realize it or not, that is resilience. You may have triumphed or failed, but nevertheless you are stronger because of it. In the past few months, we have been deprived of the traditional AIS/EA Day, sport seasons, Holiday Assembly, and the overall “normal” school year. Despite this, the AIS community has done everything in their power to make this school year special. We have all been knocked down countless times this past year, and it would be easier to just stay down, but you keep getting up and forging ahead. Yes, as crazy as it sounds, it is true! Let’s say you had an awful day at school, or learning online, and it feels like one of your worst days. You feel as if you could give up and never attempt anything again. Somewhere deep inside yourself, you are just not willing to give up. You know you are capable of so much. You know a bad day should not and will not stand in your way! So, you show up to school, or online learning, the very next day and continue forward. This is resilience. You continue to endure and you will not let anything stop you from living your best life. Some days may be difficult to endure due to a lack of sleep, low motivation, and what feels like tons of work. But we always conquer those days. In ASA, there were many new members to the organization this year. During the first few club meetings, many girls were hesitant to share or participate in conversation, and that’s okay! Being a new member of any club or organization can be scary and nerve racking. One meeting in particular, we had a powerful discussion about people’s experiences being Asian and how we can bring awareness to the numerous issues that the Asian community face. . . and almost every girl participated! This demonstrated the strength within our organization and our ASA community. We were comfortable enough to share our experiences and come together as a community, thus becoming stronger together. Even teachers face challenges! Teachers teach multiple classes a day, plan countless lessons, and continuously adapt to and work in the in-school/virtual world of teaching. They do not let the bad days get the worst of them and they continue to be resilient as well. 

Before I began writing this article, I tried to choose one moment that defined strength and resilience. After reflecting on the past year, it becomes clear that the year as a whole was just that, a year of strength and resilience! This year has consisted of many moments that prove our strength and resilience, not just as individuals, but as a community as well. These very moments of resilience make us stronger as human beings and as a community. We must continue to endure the bad days and difficult times to enjoy the good days and happy moments to come. 

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