Throughout his life, Mr. Seaton has traveled to about thirty-three different countries one of them being India.  He first went to India when he was five years old because his father was a surgeon who taught Indian surgeons how to do their job. They lived on the west coast, north of a little state called Goa. He went to a boarding school in Tamilnadu, a southern state. It was an American school meaning he did not learn the native language, Tamil. However, when he was in India, he had learned a little bit of Marathi. As a teenager, Mr. Seaton did a lot of traveling. In fact, as a senior, he and five of his friends took a trip around India. They went from southern India, from a city named Madras at the time, to Mumbai or Bombay at the time. They traveled through Gujrat, Rajasthan, and Amritsar where the Sikh Golden Temple is. They then traveled to the foothills of the Himalayas to Masuri and then down to Dehli. He also went to the Taj Mahal which he considers to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world.  He then traveled to Kolkata. However, they all got sick, and so they got on a train and returned home. That was one of many of his travel stories. 


When answering about how learning a language has impacted him, Mr.Seaton said that going to boarding school at the age of 8 and not living near many kids to play and socialize with, he was not able to pick up the language, Marathi, very quickly. However, at boarding school, he learned Hindi. He was able to read the Devanagari script; this was one of the cool aspects of being able to learn another language. 


Another story about how learning a language impacted him was in his senior year.  His roommate and friend offered to have Mr. Seaton come home with his family. They were going to drive from India through Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, and by the time they reached the west side of Turkey he was able to speak and use the language, German, he studied in high school. He was able to use the language because many people from Germany traveled to Turkey for vacation.  They then traveled through Bulgaria, Hungary, Austria, Germany, and when they reached Denmark, he was also able to speak German. On this trip with his friend, Mr. Seaton had an amazing 12,000-mile journey and was able to speak and use the language her learned in high school throughout his travels. 


Throughout his life, Mr. Seaton was able to travel and explore many different cultures and have many different experiences that he will forever cherish.