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Teacher of the Month: Sr Sevillano

Teacher of the Month: Sr Sevillano

Sr. Sevillano is one of the most beloved teachers at Agnes Irwin, having been part of the community for the past nineteen years. He originally took to the idea of teaching during high school, when he learned English as a foreign language and “began to help classmates” with their English studies as well. After that, his passion for teaching never stopped, and after moving from Sevilla, Spain to the United States,  he says “it was easy to convert my passion for teaching a foreign language into teaching my own mother tongue.”

When Sr. Sevillano isn’t teaching, he enjoys spending time with his wife and young daughters, adding: “as you can see, it’s all about girls in my life.” He also loves photography, and frequently displays his work at an art gallery in Media.

Before coming to work at AIS, Sr. Sevillano completed his masters degree at Villanova University, right down the road, so he was already familiar with Agnes Irwin’s mission to educate girls. What Sr. Sevillano loves most about the AIS community is how close he has become to both the students and his fellow colleagues. He says he “can put a face to almost every name” and is proud of the work that the faculty and students do to build up our community.

Along with all the students, Sr. Sevillano is really excited for Spanish Week this year. The goal is to “expose our students to some catchy music in Spanish,” and “the idea to have the entire school (Middle and Upper) dance in front of a camera goes back to community building and the special need we have this year to have fun, let loose and enjoy each other’s company—even if some people will be dancing on a Zoom call.” Everyone will be looking forward to the awesome things happening during Spanish Week!

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