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A Comprehensive Study on the Ineffectiveness of Diabolical Masks

A Comprehensive Study on the Ineffectiveness of Diabolical Masks

Abstract: In this study, I will examine the uselessness of those tiny pieces of cloth by analyzing the data presented. Masks are ineffective against COVID-19, and more likely harmful to its users. I anticipate that this study will be massively criticized because I am awakened. I am not a simple, domestic sheep to the government and I will not stand down. We must listen TO THE FACTS. We must pay ATTENTION to the SCIENCE because that is the only way to come to the logical conclusion that masks are inherently malevolent. 


Anecdotal Evidence


The incompetenty of the mask has become apparent to me through my own everyday experiences, which I have observed through my acute intelligence and awareness. My own neighbor ended up getting the coronavirus even though he wore a mask. Some say he fell ill because he didn’t cover his nose, but this once again highlights the ineffectiveness of the design of the mask. If it was meant to go over your nose, then Todd would have known since he has fixed my fridge before and therefore is VERY intelligent. 

Additionally, my daughter has been nearly suffocated by her mask. She likes to exercise and go out on runs because she’s such a wonderful, beautiful, and talented girl. She still believes the mask myth, so she went out on a neighborhood run with one on. She came home, unable to breathe, mumbling something about an inhaler, with tears falling from her eyes. She ran through the front door and straight to her room, desperately clawing her mask off and finding her inhaler. That mask suffocated my daughter and I will never let it happen again.


Statistical Analysis


Like I mentioned before, all the facts point toward the cruelty of the mask. I have a few statistics to share that will support my claim, but I will interpret them for the dear reader because of my elevated intelligence and skill. 

Ever since the mask mandate was put in place in multiple regions of the world in mid 2020, there has only been chaos. There have been millions of deaths worldwide, yet still nobody is speaking out against these horrid masks. Additionally, once people are vaccinated, they are not required to wear masks, yet they still don’t get infected. This proves that people can forgo the mask without getting sick.


In conclusion, masks are dangerous and unnecessary. One might ask why I did not consult any sources online, but I believe that forums and my own superior mind are enough to prove the most important of points. I hope that you have re-evaluated your indoctrinated mind.

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