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Wick Teacher of the Month: Mr. Frank

Wick Teacher of the Month: Mr. Frank

Ever since he began teaching at Agnes Irwin 36 years ago, Mr. Frank has made long-lasting impressions on many Upper School students. With his final year of teaching coming to an end, he reflects that his favorite part of teaching is, “watching students grow during their time at Agnes Irwin” and “having the benefit of seeing what [former students] have done with their lives as adults.” 

Mr. Frank will miss watching students develop over time. He says, “That’s what education’s about. I love teaching history, but I love teaching the whole person.” The Agnes Iriwn community also holds a special place in his heart. He explains, “I love the interaction with kids in the classroom. Anybody who’s an athlete knows that I love watching you all play sports. I also really enjoy watching you in your plays, I love seeing the paintings you draw… really I will miss the whole package.” 

As for his plans for his retirement, Mr. Frank is excited to spend time with his family. This summer, he plans to “travel to California and meet in person my first grandchild. My son and his wife had a baby last October who I’ve only been able to meet over Zoom, FaceTime, etc., so the idea of being able to hold my grandson before he is taller than me is very exciting.” After that, he is going to keep his schedule open and “wait for the next great adventure and see how it unfolds.” On behalf of Agnes Irwin students and alums: thank you Mr. Frank!


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