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Students Pose at Field Hockey Practice
Students Pose at Field Hockey Practice

Hello Class of 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025, 

I am Chelsea Seegars, and I am your Student Body President for the 2021-2022 school year! I cannot wait to get to know you all. I am in my twelfth year at AIS and I believe there is something so special about the community here. I cannot think of a better place to find so many passionate and inspirational people. I am so glad that everyone in our community is back on campus, and I hope that you are excited for the new school year—I have a lot of hopes for what it will be like! 

One thing I am hoping to accomplish is creating a Spring Dodgeball Tournament. There would be teams of students,  teachers and administrators. This is something I am really looking forward to because it sparks some friendly competition within our community.  I also hope that each grade can create a playlist that we can play in the cafeteria during lunch. I love Agnes Irwin and hopefully this year you get to experience what makes this school such a special place. I can’t wait to see all of you in the halls! Let’s make a lot of memories this year together!


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