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More Thoughts About the New Upper School Schedule

More Thoughts About the New Upper School Schedule

The class of 2022 has gotten used to the idea that with a new school year comes a new schedule, but this year’s change was a welcome one.

Our new schedule has many features that students previously called for, like a snack period (even if it is brief), the return to cycle days, and five-minute passing times. Thankfully, because we have returned to cycle days, students who commonly have early dismissal on Fridays, for example, will no longer miss the same class every week. And we can forget about having to remember whether or not it is blue or gold week and if the last classes of the day are flipped, or re-flipped like we did in 2019. Something quite pleasing about this new schedule is the 50-minute classes. I find that these classes go by quickly, but don’t rush. With every class being the same length, students no longer have to wonder what time their class ends. Just add 50 minutes to when class starts, and BOOM, you have your end time. 

I really think that the five-minute passing times deserve their own paragraph of praise so here it is. Like I urged for last year, we once again have the ability to hydrate and dehydrate in between classes! I find five minutes to be the perfect length of time. I am able to chat with a teacher, go to the bathroom, or fill up my water bottle in between classes. What a beautiful existence, am I right?

There is something new in the schedule called the “Flex” block. I am thinking of Flex like Lunch 1, for those of you who were here in 2018-2019. It’s a great place to fit in Organizations or meet with teachers. Unfortunately, the grouping of certain Organizations on 3 and 6 Days will force some students to The affinity groups are split between days so that students can participate in more than one, but this also means that students will have to decide between two Organizations they were previously involved in. Additionally, what was previously known as “Friday Forum” has been abridged to “Forum,” because it will take place any day of the week on Day 7. I’ve heard that many Boards and teachers have ideas and plans for forum topics. Another change this year, with inspiration seeming to stem from the “Let’s be Well” week hosted last spring, is the “Flex Well” block. Its definition seems to be rather loose, but I appreciate that the schedule allows for frequent blocks in which the community can focus on being mentally and physically well.

Other logistical improvements from the schedule two years ago include that students can only have a maximum of five academic classes a day and that classes end at 3 pm. Simply, I am grateful this schedule does not resemble the 2019-2020 schedule (pre-COVID). Thank you, Administrators, for listening to the students’ schedule concerns last year and making a positive change. 

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