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Global Climate Change



Since the beginning of this year, super cold waves, flood crises, mudslides and other natural disasters have occurred frequently around the world. This summer has seen high temperatures in North America, heavy rains and floods in Western Europe and East Asia, and wildfires in Siberia and the eastern Mediterranean. How should humans respond to these warnings from our mother nature?




The report shows that recent changes in the earth’s climate as “unprecedented” and says they are clearly attributable to human activity. An interim report in 2018 said global warming could rise by 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels between 2030 and 2052. The report brings that window forward a decade, to between 2021 and 2040.



High temperatures, severe droughts, floods… There have been a number of extreme weather events in many parts of the world this year. There were many tragedies that raised horror and concern.

全球都面临着气候变化所带来的危机。无独有偶,近日,德国和比利时的洪灾已经造成至少170人死亡。在北美洲,罕见的高温天气刷新纪录,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省高温连续三天破纪录,最高达到49.6 °C ,这个温度也是加拿大有记录以来的最高温度,579人因此高温天气死亡。持续的高温天气也使得美国西部12个州有超过70场山火蔓延,多州进入紧急状态。北极圈内也在上个月出现了罕见高温,俄罗斯北冰洋沿岸北纬73度的气象站在6月30日气温升至34.3 °C,大幅刷新北冰洋沿岸地区最高气温纪录、较常年同期偏暖25 °C以上。除此之外,在科威特,气温高达 72.3 °C。西亚、北非、西班牙遭受着创纪录的热浪……


The world is facing a crisis caused by climate change. Similarly, floods in Germany and Belgium have killed at least 170 people in recent days. In North America, the unusually hot weather set new records. British Columbia in Canada set a record high of 49.6 °C for a third consecutive day, the highest temperature ever recorded in Canada, resulting in 579 deaths. The ongoing heat wave has also led to more than 70 wildfires burning in 12 western states, prompting states of emergency. The Arctic Circle also saw a rare high temperature last month. On June 30, the temperature of a meteorological station at 73 degrees north latitude on Russia’s Arctic Coast rose to 34.3 °C, breaking the record for the highest temperature in the Coastal areas of the Arctic Ocean and being more than 25 °C warmer than usual. In addition, in Kuwait, the temperature reached 72.3 °C. West Asia, North Africa, Spain are suffering from record heat waves…



Sonia Senaweeratne, a climatologist at the Institute of Atmospheric and Climate Sciences in Zurich said “The impact of climate change on extreme hot weather is particularly noticeable.” She noted that these heat waves have “become more intense and frequent around the world.” This could be seen in Canada or Spain, where heat waves have become more common, more persistent and more intense, as a report from Spain’s national weather Agency noted last September.



Extreme heat is one of the most visible traces of the climate crisis, but average temperatures have also risen, already 1.2c above pre-industrial levels. But other than that, most of the hottest years ever recorded on Earth have been concentrated in the past decade.



Of course, heat waves aren’t the only vestige of climate change. Other phenomena, such as heavy rain, are also increasing in intensity and destruction. In the wake of the huge and deadly floods in central Europe in recent days, the same question arises: Is global warming behind this? “It is difficult to quantify exactly the impact of climate change on flooding in Germany at the moment, but this event is linked to heavy rainfall,” Senaviratne said. “Heavy rainfall events are becoming more frequent and intense worldwide. So it’s very likely that human-induced climate change is making these events more intense or more likely.”

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