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Student of the Month: Lucy Shannon ’22

Student of the Month: Lucy Shannon '22

Lucy Shannon ‘22 has been selected as The Wick’s November Student of the Month! With her influential role in the Upper School as President of ECO Board, she strives to educate the Upper School students and faculty about sustainability and take actions to make Agnes Irwin more eco-friendly. You have no doubt heard her weekly announcements in assembly to encourage everyone to recycle and compost. This year, the ECO board has increased their membership by an astounding 15% thanks to her wonderful leadership. 

Lucy came to Agnes Irwin in ninth grade, but she feels like she’s been here her entire life. One of her favorite hobbies is going on nature walks in her free time, and in an effort to be sustainable, Lucy follows a plant based diet and has a compost bin at her house. 

In addition to ECO board, Lucy plays many other roles in the Upper School. She is a co-head of sustainable living club, which teaches students about the many ways that they can live a more sustainable lifestyle. She is also a co-head of FOCUS: an organization that provides people with a safe space to explore their faith. Lucy is also involved in CAG, Empowering Girls in STEM, ASA, Mathletes, and Accountability Council. She is also a member of the JV soccer team. 

Congratulations to Lucy for being selected as SOTM, and thank you for all that you do for the Agnes Irwin community! 

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