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Org Spotlight: JSU

Org Spotlight: JSU

Sophie Bacharach ‘22 believes that “it’s really valuable to have a community that you feel safe with and relate to.” So, as the head of JSU, she aims to foster this type of environment for the other members. Sophie and Jolie Jaffe ‘22 describe JSU as a community where Jewish students are free to express themselves and practice their beliefs without judgment. 

Because Agnes Irwin is a “big school with a mix of religions,” Sophie says that “having the space to gather with people who share your beliefs is important.” JSU started as a small group, and while it has grown larger over the past couple of years, the organization “still has a tight-knit dynamic,” according to Jolie. Non-Jewish students are welcome to join the club as well. Jolie has found that JSU has been a great resource for non-Jewish students to “learn more about the culture and how to be better allies.” 

As a senior member of the club, Jolie recounts her favorite JSU traditions, including the seder lunch, which occurs around Passover. Members of the club bring food and eat a large meal while reading the story of Passover. Jolie says her “favorite part of the seder is the matzo ball soup, which is always amazing.”  JSU also decorates masks with the lower school for Purim. Purim is Jolie’s favorite holiday and she has “fond memories of celebrating it as a kid.” She loves “sharing that joy” by passing the traditions down to younger students. For Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, JSU eats apples and honey at lunchtime in hopes of a sweet New Year. 

The members of JSU hope that as the year progresses, JSU will continue to gain visibility and create a better understanding of the challenges Jewish people face both in school and on a global scale among students.  


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