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Truly Black

I’m colored, black more specifically

And this world. It’s made my skin more interesting.

“I can’t breathe” “It wasn’t me” “I’m supposed to be free”

“When can I leave.” This is wrong, but you don’t see that it’s affecting me.

You just look at me, because supposedly I act differently.


Yeah, that’s right, you think that my skin is the thing that defines me.

You don’t have to say it, the world said it for you. Nice and Loud.

And we all get it, you don’t want the “outsider” joining your crowd.


But what makes me different? Because my skin is a different pigment.

Or because of my descent, because we were “savages” says all your “facts” given

No, that doesn’t work, because I don’t pull you over when you blush.

Or when you get angry and walk away, I don’t pull out a gun.


I don’t accuse you because you look like someone else

And I don’t have to prove to you that I am being myself

I don’t want your validation on anything at all.

And I certainly don’t wanna be on the street, running from you, risking it all.


I’m 13, man, I don’t need this.

This type of life, I was born into a world that thinks I’m committing treason

Because somehow my skin hurts the world, or at least that’s your reason


Martin Luther King Jr., he had a dream that assassinated him, 1968 in Memphis Tennessee

Harriet Tubman, saved many, years later when she passed, she still saved me

Malcolm X, minister and advocate, died in 1965 but his work lives free.

So what about me?


What will my legacy be

Will I have one, or will the world take over me

Will I teach people so they have a chance to be free

Or will I be taken by those who despise and are afraid of who I can be


Of who we can become, who we can be right now

Will the world take away all the things they found

People I mean, not things, were human beings

Or will they think that were winning and run us out of town


Either way, I’m here to see and I’m alive living it

Whether you like it or not, I’m the one feeling it

I don’t show but I feel like I have to hide though I didn’t do it

Guilty ones feel like this a little, but imagine all the innocents


It’s scarier, because we don’t say this out loud to the cameras

We hide and get by, so we can try to live with the glamorous

But we can’t, cause of a gene, a place, but we try

Because there’s people in this nation that want it, so they rise


And I rise too, with my people, with my crew

When I have an army behind me, we shouldn’t lose

But don’t stand and be rude or too loud, then you’ll lack

But let’s be honest, this is a lot to take in

But imagine how it feels when you’re the one who’s truly black.


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