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Frenish Article

Frenish Article

Frenish is Agnes Irwin’s modern language and culture publication. Run by senior coheads Arielle Bennett and Olivia Heldring, Frenish encourages students to practice their language skills by writing articles, poems, stories, and recipes, and more. The name Frenish is a blend of the words French and Spanish,but Frenish publishes material in any and all modern languages. This year, students have published in Mandarin, Greek, and Gujarati!

Our mission in Frenish is to highlight the diversity of language in our community and to raise awareness about global events happening beyond our AIS bubble. Our process begins at the beginning of each season with theme brainstorming. During these meetings, Frenish writers discuss and choose a theme that we think will inspire articles that expose our readers to world issues they may not know about. Some of our themes thus far have been Global Holidays/Celebrations, Covid Policies in Developing Countries, Climate Change Around the World, and Global Elections and Politics. These issues are so important to talk about on a global scale because it is easy to get caught up in what’s happening here in the U.S. and forget about the world beyond. We live in a day and age where anyone has access to information about virtually anything, happening anywhere. Let’s take advantage of that privilege and learn about other countries and peoples.

Our upcoming theme for February/March is global recipes; we think that sharing unique recipes from different cultures is a great way to expose our community to new and delicious things! Stay tuned!


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