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Joke column

Joke column

One of the greatest joys in the miserable aftermath of everybody’s least favorite month, February, is our school’s wonderful hallway competition. We decided to write a few brief reviews about each hallway, so if you’d like to know what two random sophomores thought about your hallway, then you came to the right place!

To the freshman: Coming from a person who absolutely didn’t help with their hallway, you should take my absolutely expert opinion that you should have done more for yours. Maybe a cardboard cutout of Willie Wonka, or have a mannequin wear his suit. You possibly had a chance to scare some middle schoolers, and you missed it. You also should have put actual candy in your hallway. 100% you would have won with the students. 

To the sophomores: You all are wild. Wow. Ed Sheeran? ED SHEERAN? You really know how to come up with a moving, impactful theme. Ten out of ten points for creativity. Execution was good, yet embarrassing. I will never forget the photos of us with ginger hair… It’s the most traumatic experience I have had in a while. Other than that, the hallway decorations were solid. Solid like the wax figure of Ed Sheeran that a sophomore took a picture with. I have had trust issues ever since I realized it was a wax figure.

To the juniors: Pirates isn’t a bad idea, I kinda like it. Though, I don’t get the dotted squiggly line…OH WAIT! Is it supposed to be a treasure map or something like that? If it is, that is pretty clever. If it isn’t, well, I will look stupid. Anyway, I think you should have taken some oars from the rowing tanks. I’m sure Hayburn wouldn’t have minded. 

To the seniors: Okay, we knew you were going to win. It is very clear that you made your secret little leprechauns slave away at your hallway day and night, and to be honest, the effort paid off. Every time I walked through the hallway, I was struck both by wonder and dread. Wonder, because it was frankly an amazingly well put-together hallway even with its quite mediocre theme. Dread, because I knew that as a sophomore, I have a good 10% chance of winning. Well played seniors, well played.

The first week of March was a busy week for freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors—basically everybody except for the staff. Now that I think of it, wouldn’t it be great to see what fancy hallway the faculty and staff could come up with? Of course, there would be no outdoing the students, but I vote to see what they have up their sleeve. The teachers do not have an assigned color, so I guess that will be up to us to decide… how about a nice, drab brown or a boring—not a boring but, um, elegant gray. Let’s be honest, no matter what color it will be, it’ll probably be a pre-2000s reference that only they will find funny. Don’t worry teachers, we’ll have a participation award ready for you!

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