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PA Midterms Will Keep the Nation in Suspense

The question of who will control the U.S. Congress and who will determine the status of abortion rights in Pennsylvania may be decided by the high-stakes midterm election this fall.


On the state level, Pennsylvania residents may see changes to abortion protections following the Governor’s race. The contestants for that race are Josh Shapiro and Doug Mastriano. If elected, Democratic candidate Josh Shapiro plans to keep abortion legal in Pennsylvania, as well as to eliminate some of the abortion restrictions imposed by Pennsylvania’s Republican dominated state legislature. In contrast, Republican candidate Doug Mastriano has stated that he is opposed to all cases of abortion in Pennsylvania, including some instances when the mother’s health is at risk.


Democrats currently hold a narrow majority in the Senate following the 2020 election; and the midterms could decide whether the Senate flips back to a Republican majority. In a political climate that is strongly divided along party lines, the majority will play a large role in passing legislation through the Senate–including the legislation passed by the House of Representatives that safeguards same-sex marriage, which the Senate has not yet voted on.


For a chance to hear from Agnes Irwin student perspectives, Alimah Jalloh ‘24 and Liz King ‘25 share their thoughts on the election. Jalloh says “registered voters in the senior class should read up on the candidates and propositions as the upcoming midterms could be one of the most impactful in recent Pennsylvania history.” Jalloh also expresses her opinions about the candidates, fearing that Mastriano’s  extremist policies and influence could push Pennsylvania down an “alt-right pipeline.”


Controversy surrounding the candidates emerges on both sides of the aisle: many liberal voters find Mastriano untrustworthy after he refused press coverage at some of his campaign rallies. In the race for the U.S.Senate, many conservative voters feel that Democratic candidate John Fetterman’s health issues could impact his performance if he is elected .

          King believes that voting in state elections is a way for students to exercise their beliefs and make a lasting impact, noting that  “the election looks like it’s going to be close, so every vote really does matter.” Students at Agnes Irwin who cast their ballots on November 8th will lay the groundwork for the United States’ future. The stakes have never been higher. Vote!

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