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Overturning of Roe v Wade

On June 6th, with a 6-3 vote, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which had been established law for almost fifty years.  Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett, and John Roberts concurred with the decision, although Roberts concurred in judgement only; he would have limited the decision to banning abortions after 15 weeks ( 

Throughout the US, there were many different reactions to this ruling. Legislatures  soon banned abortions with no exceptions in eloeven states including Texas, Louisana, and Idaho, among others.  ( President of the United States Joe Biden said, “Today the Supreme Court of the United States expressly took away a constitutional right from the American people that it had already recognized,” while Senator Mitch McConnell said, “This is an historic victory for the Constitution and for the most vulnerable in our society.” (

Even leaders from other countries reacted to the decision. French and Canadian leaders expressed disapproval.  French President Emmanuel Macron said, “Abortion is a fundamental right for all women. We must protect it. I would like to express my solidarity with all those women whose freedoms have today been compromised by the US Supreme Court,” and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau commented, “The news coming out of the United States is horrific. My heart goes out to the millions of American women who are now set to lose their legal right to an abortion… No government, politician, or man should tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body” (

Although half of the states are expected to ban or restrict abortions, and twenty states and the District of Columbia. are rushing to protect abortion access, there are some states that are not so decided on their abortion stance. The upcoming midterms in at least six states—including Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, North Carolina, and Kansas—could decide the future of those states’ abortion laws (

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