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新加坡學校的午飯 ~ Xīn jiā pō xué xiào de wǔ fàn ~ School Lunches in Singapore

新加坡有很多不同的亞洲文化, 所以他們的菜是多元的。有種種的亞洲和西方的菜餚。新加坡的學校供應美食街式的午餐,學生可以選擇各式東西餐點。


Xīn jiā pō yǒu hěn duó bù tóng de yǎ zhōu wén huà, suó yǐ tā mén de cài shì duō yuán de. Yǒu zhóng zhǒng de yǎ zhōu hé xī fāng de cài yáo. Xīn jiā pō de xué xiào gōng yìng měi shí jiē shì de wǔ cān, xué shēng ké yǐ xuǎn zé gè shì dōng xī cān diǎn.


Singapore has many Asian cultures, so their cuisine is a mix of different Asian foods. There are various dishes, both Asian and Western. Schools in Singapore serve lunch in a food court-style, and students can choose from various stalls selling Asian and Western food.


Shiokawa, Wakaba. “6 School Lunches From Around The World That Put Peanut Butter and Jelly to 

Shame.” Spoon University. Last modified April 10, 2016. Accessed October 2, 2023.

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