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Arts Council Newsletter 12/7/20

The Agnes Irwin Arts Council Presents … The Arts Newsletter 2020-2021

Monday, December 7, 2020

Arts Council December Holiday Updates!

Candy Cane-grams!

The Arts Council is selling candy cane-grams that we will deliver on Thur. December 17th!
Peppermint candy canes will be $1 and fruity ones will be $2. Don’t forget to order some candy canes to send to your friends and teachers!!
All you need to do is fill out this form (so that we know who you are sending it to and the message) and we will send an update soon on how to pay (which will most likely be through venmo)

Interested in making cards for the holidays? Arts Council is hosting a virtual Holiday Card Making Workshop on Friday December 11th from 7-8pm! We will provide all the materials, all you need is some tape or glue. If you are interested, please RSVP here so that we know you are coming! Today is the LAST day you can sign up for this workshop, so if you are interested, make sure to RSVP!

Below is the card we will be making!

Card Making Workshop!

Holiday Cafe

Arts Council has prepared a small surprise in replacement of the annual Holiday Cafe, so stay tuned for further announcements!

Arts Council/RepCo Workshop Series!

Arts Council and RepCo are so excited to announce a virtual bi-weekly workshop series! Each week there will be a theatre or art workshop hosted by us! Make sure to sign up for some of these fun workshops!

You can stay updated for future workshops by checking your email and reading these Newsletters!

Check out some recent Impulse submissions!

Impulse is designing their winter edition that will be released in January, here is a sneak peek of some recent submissions!
(To see more student submissions, check out the Impulse section of AISPress!)
Brooklyn McDonald ’22
Abigail Goldsmith ’22

What have AIS art classes been up to?

Ms. Saulin’s Studio II & III Classes

Elle Birdsall ’23
Nina Kirkpatrick ’23
Sydney Chen ’23
Hunter Fleitas ’23

What is the Arts Newsletter?

The Arts Newsletter is Arts Council’s online newsletter! We will be issuing these newsletters monthly to keep you updated on our virtual art events and the various art projects that Agnes Irwin Upper School students and staff are working on!
For more information, please contact and
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