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The Re-emergence of Drive-in Movie Theaters

The Re-emergence of Drive-in Movie Theaters

Has a relative ever told you stories about going to a drive-in movie theater when they were a teenager? Drive-in movie theaters began in the 1910’s, but the first real, patented theater opened on June 6, 1933 in New Jersey (NYFA). Richard Hollingshead opened the gate for drive-ins all over the country and displayed them as locations for the family. As the popularity of drive-in theaters grew, 4000 theaters were opened by the 1950’s and 60’s, with their peak in the 1900s (NYFA). The people who attended them were part of the baby boomer generation. Drive-ins were a very popular entertainment destination for not only children and families but couples who opted for a cheaper date night. Drive-ins were popular throughout most of the 70’s but began to lose popularity because the land they were on became utilized for malls and store complexes. By 2019, there were only 305 drive-in movie theaters left in (Wang).

Nowadays because of COVID-19, regular movie theaters are closed. Drive-in movie theaters offer a safe, social-distancing environment for everyone in the comfort of their own vehicle. Though there are streaming platforms like Netflix and Hulu, you cannot receive the same feeling from these as going to an actual theater. Most drive-ins are located in more rural areas and small-towns, but they are still all over the United States. This is a great way for businesses to still make income while keeping to the COVID-19 restrictions.

In fact, Walmart is making a big step towards bringing back drive-in movie theaters. Over 150 Walmart locations across the US will be transformed into drive-ins for a fun, outdoor experience (Walmart). From August 14 to October 21, 2020, Walmart will be showing all types of movies, from classics to modern movies. All of the showings will be free for Walmart customers. is a website specially created to choose a location, time, and movie so a family can easily book a ticket. Partnering with the Tribeca Film Festival, Walmart wanted to create “an experience where [families] could come together safely to create new memories” (Walmart). 

Overall, during these dreary COVID-19 times, there are not many fun activities to do in public anymore. Drive-ins are a fun and safe way to get together with friends and family for an activity to get away from all the at-home binging of Netflix and other streaming services. It is a great way for businesses to continue to make revenue, and fun for everyone. After the COVID-19 pandemic ends, drive-ins will most likely decline again. For now, they are a great way to get out of the house and are enjoyable for all ages and types of people.




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