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Welcome Back

Welcome Back

Hey Upper Schoolers!!! 

Once again, I’m so excited to be back on campus and that we’re all together, while being apart. I just want to tell you guys how excited I am for this year. I hope that we all take care of ourselves mentally and physically, because I know that this year will be rough for us all. I will not be the first person to tell you this, but everything is going to be okay. This year may be different, but we will be okay and be supportive of each other as we’re going through this hybrid process. I will reiterate that we need to take care of ourselves in order to excel this year. 

To the Freshmen: I wish you all the best this year. It’s your first year, so try new things and put yourselves out there in clubs, boards, or organizations. 

To the Sophomores: I know that the beginning of your high school career was so weird, but you made it. I hope that you continue to excel in school and figure out your niche in school.

To the Juniors: I can’t believe how much you’ve grown. This is the year for you to really buckle down. Prepare yourselves to become the leaders of the school; it’s not so far away. 

To the Seniors: WE MADE IT!!! I love you all. This is our year and our time to shine. We’re the leaders and should act accordingly. I don’t want us to fall back mentally, because we’ve got this. I have faith in every one of you that we will get through this together. This year will be one for the books, but once again, we got this. COVID has affected us all in ways none of us could’ve ever imagined, but school is one thing that it won’t take from us. We’re going to be the amazing students, artists, athletes, friends, and leaders that we were last year. I will always be here for all of you if you need someone to talk to. You can email me at [email protected]. Be safe and healthy. 


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