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Advice Column: Ask Another Owl

Advice Column: Ask Another Owl

October 8th 2020:

How do you deal with stress and managing schoolwork? What advice do you have for younger (9th and 10th grade) students?

When I am feeling stressed and overwhelmed with schoolwork, I try to make a list of what I have to do. Checking off when you have finished school work makes you feel good about all that you have accomplished and is a really healthy way to track your progress. I also try not to work with my phone near me because I always want to check it for notifications. For all the younger students, I recommend using a planner. It might not seem necessary early in the school year, but it is definitely important as your workload gets bigger.


October 12th 2020:

Any advice for the students who are still at home and super bored/missing their friends?

For all the AIS students who are at home and missing their friends, I have a little advice. While I was still quarantined at home, I tried to connect with my friends every day. It’s really hard to feel like you are missing out, but know that your friends are missing you just as much as you are missing them. Trying to connect with them daily by Facetime or even just sending them a text to let them know you miss and love them makes them feel so loved, and they will start to reciprocate. I know it’s hard not being with your friends, but it is important to make the most of your situation and continue to work on your friendships.


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