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Diversity Conference Interview

Diversity Conference Interview

Leila Rodriguez ’23 interviewed by Leilani Lorenze ’24


1. Why did you decide to attend this conference?

    1. I’ve never attended the conference before because I personally don’t like thinking of myself as a minority, even though I am. I also didn’t think there would be much to gain from the experience, but with the recent uprise in the Black Lives Matter movement I thought that if there was ever a good year to go, it would be this one. 


2. How did the online conference compare to the usual in-person conference?

    1. I’ve never done the in person conference so I can’t speak on the comparison. However, I think we would have felt more connected to each other if we could speak in person. For the identification/silent movement part of the conference, we each turned our cameras on if we identified a certain way. And if there were only a few people who identified one way, we would have to each other. 


3. If you have attended the conference before, which conference setting was better (hybrid or in-person)?

    1. I haven’t.


4. What types of diversity were present or talked about at the conference (racial, ethnic, gender, orientation, etc)?

    1. All of them. I found it interesting to see people identify under certain religions that I had never heard of before. 


5. How were all the varying types of diversity connecting together or meeting at a midpoint about their experiences?

    1. It seemed like everyone experienced moments of oppression, whether it was happening to them or to someone else
      1. We talked about what to do in those situations and if we feel comfortable standing up for ourselves
      2. Sometimes you aren’t sure if it is a “race moment” or simply a “moment with race”


6. Did you learn anything new about your own identity or how to share it?

    1. No. 


7. How can you implement what you learned at the conference into your day-to-day life?

    1. Be more vocal about who I am and what is offensive not okay for me
    2. Also be a good Ally to others and LISTEN when people voice a problem with something 


8. If you had the opportunity to go again, what would you do differently or wished that they did differently?

    1. I’d hope it was in person
    2. Have a better way of speaking because I was too shy to jump in but I also had a lot to say
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