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中国国家主席 vs 美国总统 的产生 (Elections in China vs. in the U.S.)

中国国家主席 vs 美国总统 的产生  (Elections in China vs. in the U.S.)

在美国,总统是通过初步的公推公选和进一步的选举团而产生的。初步的公推公选是通过年满18岁的美国公民的投票而产生。根据公推公选的结果,在选举团的各州选举人代表会投出他们票。50州和华盛顿特区一共有538名选举人,获得半数以上选举人票者当选总统。绝大部分的州都实行实行 “胜者全得” 的规则,也就是说本州的选举人票需要全部给予在本州获得相对多数选民票的总统候选人。






In the U.S., the presidential election process is based on the Electoral College. It is a compromise between a popular vote by citizens and a vote in Congress.  Every American Citizen over 18 has the right to vote, and as the result of the popular votes came out, the members of Congress will vote. There are currently 538 electors, including all states and Washington, D.C., meaning whoever gets the vote of at least 270 electors will win the election. In most states, the winner candidates of the popular votes get all the electoral votes for that state. 

Unlike the U.S. election process, China’s Chairman and Vice-Chairman is elected by the National People’s Congress (NPC). It is the highest organ of state power and the national legislature  of the People’s Republic of China. NPC is elected every five years, from the first meeting of each NPC to the first meeting of the next NPC. The term of office for the Chairman and Vice-Chairman is the same as that of NPC, and they shall not serve more than two consecutive terms. 

In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman will succeed. In the absence of the Vice-Chairman, a new leader will be appointed and elected from and by NPC. Before a new leader is elected, the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the NPC acts temporarily as the Chairman. 


*This article has not been officially edited by an AIS faculty member.*


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