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Student of The Month: Roxy Rigatoni ’30

Student of The Month: Roxy Rigatoni '30

Roxy Rigatoni, Class of 2030, has been selected as The Wick’s April Student of the Month, and I recently sat down with the accomplished Upper Schooler to discuss what she believes qualified her for this honor. She suggested it was her “diligent adherence to AIS’ rules of conduct.” Her record certainly demonstrates her assiduous application of our school’s core values; she consistently arrives to school in out-of-uniform attire, displaying her support of Agnes Irwin’s creativity and ‘free expression’ policy by wearing baggy jeans and sweatshirts with conspicuous brand logos, and so far this year she’s had one-hundred absencesas Roxy observed, “Agnes Irwin has always promoted self care!” which is exactly what she practices by eschewing her academic obligations. When she does show up to school, she likes to bring extravagant breakfasts of contraband Starbucks drinks and pastries in a similar effort to maintain and promote the physical and mental “wellness” which AIS encourages. 


Roxy’s passion for self care isn’t the only thing she’s known for among Agnes Irwin students and faculty, however. Throughout the online learning period she achieved a number of impressive feats, such as breaking the records for most Zoom classes attended in bed and most unsolicited comments interjected during virtual meetings. “I never mute myself, just in case I have something to add to the lesson or assembly,” Roxy revealed, “sometimes I even sing a tune to provide some nice background music; I think it calms the speaker’s nerves.” How thoughtful! One anonymous teacher called Roxy the “ideal student,” and considering her devotion to upholding the school-endorsed principles of creativity and personal wellness, in addition to her numerous record-breaking accomplishments in the virtual classroom, I’d have to agree. Everyone, in the Agnes Irwin community and beyond, should strive to be more like Roxy!

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