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November Question of the Month: What is Agnes Irwin’s Roman Empire?

November Question of the Month: What is Agnes Irwin's Roman Empire?

The Roman Empire Trend Explained:
Across the world, women asked the men in their lives a question: “How often do you think about the Roman Empire.” The consensus was that men think about the Roman Empire often, sometimes daily. This discovery shocked women worldwide, as it rarely crosses the majority of women’s minds. One’s “Roman Empire” now refers to something someone thinks about a lot, often obsessively.


Student Responses:

“The sandwich line”

“The class of 2024 being in the basement during its freshman year”

“The Honor Code”

“The Roman Empire!! As a Latin Student, I adore the Roman Empire, and it is, in fact, a huge reason why I am taking Latin and love it so much! I just love its rich history, and, from a modern perspective, it is such an interesting period of time! Honestly, Roman history is just fun and such a slay!! It’s shocking to think that the Roman Empire lasted for so long (longer than the US as a country?!?) and how mindblowingly BIG it was!! I don’t get why you wouldn’t think of the Roman Empire often!!”

“…still the roman empire! #livelaughlovelatin”

“Fall ball”

“Haverford boys”

“Spray tans”

“Uniform rules”

“Finding dates to any dance”


“The Lacrosse team”

“Free dress days”

“Last year when the Freshmen were told to move out of the hallway”

“Academic Interims”

“Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce”

“The ‘Haverford vs Malvern boys’ everlasting competition. An AIS girl chooses which side she is on, and will think about her side as much as an average man ponders on the Roman Empire.”

“EA Day”

“The candy in Slen’s office”


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