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November Question of the Month

November Question of the Month

Do you think AIS/the inter-ac league is taking the appropriate actions?


  • “Yes, as long as the sports are outside. They allow students to enjoy at least some feeling of normality amidst the weirdness. Sports are a healthy outlet for all the stress.”
  • “I think our school is, but I know for a fact that other schools are not enforcing their mask rules as much as they should be. It’s scary playing against a team that wears their mask under their chin and not over their face. it’s just very uncomfortable and the coaches do nothing about it.”
  • “I’m happy about returning and having some sense of normalcy playing, but with the cases rising I don’t know if sports is one of the factors making them rise because they don’t tell us anything.”
  • “I think they are. Since outside of school sports leagues are managing to have competitive seasons and much larger school leagues are also able to compete, I think our small inter-ac league will be okay. And since we are following all Covid guidelines, I feel very comfortable competing.“
  • “For volleyball yes, but I think all the outside sports should be wearing masks. They are all in contact with the other girls from other schools and I think they should be required to wear masks while playing.”



  • “I feel like the safest option would be to stop competition between schools. It doesn’t have any detrimental impact, but that being said, sports competitions are very important at AIS. I can understand both sides of the argument being an athlete myself.”
  • “I think Sports and Athletics are important but I don’t think that they are necessary to do this year just because of the dangers with COVID-19 and spreading. I think they are probably taking the appropriate actions but it would be better just to not have sports.”
  • “I believe they are taking the appropriate actions. I am just worried that it may not be enough.”
  • “It’s better now, but in the beginning they definitely weren’t enforcing the rules enough.”



  • “Nope. They literally are putting everyone at risk for sports. As per usual, Agnes Irwin prioritizes sports over everything.”
  • “No, not enough mask wearing or distancing in my opinion, from what I have seen.”
  • “No. I think no sports should be MANDATORY! It is actually ridiculous that students are required to participate in sports when we aren’t even required to be in the building. ALSO, they told us TWO DAYS BEFORE starting that on Monday, we would need to be in sports five days a week! Nobody anticipated such a sudden commitment and everyone was forced to throw their lives around to be in sports. It is ridiculous. It is wrong. It shouldn’t be mandatory. “
  • “Absolutely not. I think COVID-19 is already worsening at a rapid rate, so sports should be the least of the league’s priorities. I believe the league is trying to mostly cater to the upset parents. What about the non-athletes, immunocompromised students, faculty with families at home, and more? Just because a few impatient students want to play their sports, doesn’t mean the league needs to resume them! I personally think it’s selfish.”
  • “I just find it frustrating. I can be outside with students from any grade and interAC school (not socially distanced), yet I can’t be in a four person class because we are in different grades. It feels hypocritical to me.”
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