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December Question of the Month

December Question of the Month

Question: Is/has being online after Thanksgiving break been helpful for you?



“Online learning kind of sucks, but at least I haven’t caught COVID-19 from the selfish families who traveled or had people visit for Thanksgiving. I do think we should be virtual for two weeks after Thanksgiving though, since that’s the recommended quarantine time…”

“I think classes work much better when either everyone is online or everyone is in person- half and half is complicated and one group always gets the short end of the stick. It was nice to have everyone in one place online and one planform for the teacher.”

“I feel safer knowing that I am not coming into contact with people who have travelled or have come in contact with people who have COVID-19 without knowing.“


“I can wear my pajamas.”


“I had to quarantine for two weeks anyway, so it made it so that I was getting the same school experience as everyone else.”

“I am terrified about how many transmission vectors we’re exposed to in school.”

“It makes me feel at peace knowing I’m keeping the people that I care about safe!”

“I am wary about going back to school with the high number of cases.”

“I can get a little extra sleep because of the later start time.”

“It made the break feel longer. I can also sleep more when we’re online. :)”



“It is probably safer, but I do not learn anything online.”


“It’s a good break from the stressful workload.”


“I appreciate the flexibility. I miss the structure and social aspect of school!”


“I feel safer, but I would rather be in person.”

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