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A Bigger Distraction: the Cell Phone Policy

A Bigger Distraction: the Cell Phone Policy

The new cell phone policy has left some students feeling great and others feeling more addicted to their phones than ever. After an abrupt announcement of a no-phone pilot period, students were stunned, and now, some are hesitant to follow the rules. Students are bringing iPads, Apple Watches, or not placing their phones in their designated slot in attempts to bypass the rule. What is the solution when students can circumvent the rule with countless other electronics at their disposal? 

As an email-based school, it is not an option to remove technology as a whole, hence we still need access to computers. Ironically the cell phone policy seems to have sparked a bigger interest in technology. This phenomenon is most obvious when the clock hits 2:50 and students rush to retrieve their phones. Not a single student is able to look up from their phones.

The majority of problems found with the new policy are not with the inability to use one’s phone, but the inconveniences that are a direct result. Many dislike their new ways of carrying their lanyard, of purchasing items from the vending machines, or most of all, the long walk to and from the Alumnae Lobby. One Freshman complains, “[the phone slot] is out of our way to go and get [our phones] after last period.” Some are happy to not have the temptation of their phones but again, the inconveniences outweigh their positive outlook on the scenario. 

In response to the students who are bothered by the new policy, teachers are attempting to help with this difficult transition. At the beginning of class, some teachers are allowing students to have a five minute period to check emails and text messages. While this ensures students are aware of events within the school, it takes away time in class. As it is affecting multiple aspects of our lives, it may be time to rethink the current policy. This policy may be incredibly beneficial to students in the long run; nevertheless, as the pilot period runs, some modifications may benefit individual student needs. 


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