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What Student Government Has Accomplished This Year

This year has gone by way too fast. It’s shocking that the seniors are graduating in just under a month. As this year’s student body president, there have been many challenges. With restrictions and the inability to achieve much of what I wanted to change and do, I stuck with an overarching theme of staying healthy and having fun. This year StudGov has partnered with the Athletics Association in the day of fun and helping them with achieving their field day as well. Stud Gov has also made additions to the hallway competition and brought some joy and laughter to us all with the video where every grade got a chance to show off their hallway. I have to say that the videos were my favorite because every grade was able to show off their amazing actresses and have fun. Because of this COVID-19 world we’re living in, there were challenges when it came to planning events and even coming up with appropriate ideas. 

I hope for next year, since we’ll hopefully all be vaccinated, that the upcoming seniors can have their last year in high school filled with amazing memories, laughter, and the 6 ft rule being abolished. I want the class of 2023 to be able to have a full year on campus in a normal environment. I hope that as they embark on their junior year to not only think and dream of their future after AIS, but to also stay in the here and now so that they can prepare themselves for their senior year. I want the class of 2024 to finally be introduced to the school. It was unfortunate that their freshman year of high school was spent mostly in the basement where the only other people they got to see were their teachers and teammates if they played a sport. I hope that they are able to have a moment to really relish in all that is Agnes Irwin, and for them to know what it’s like to be an Irwins girl. Lastly, to my seniors, I know that this year definitely wasn’t what we expected it to be. I know that we wanted to be able to scream to the top of our lungs during the AIS/EA Day pep rally and to blast music to kingdom come. I know that we wanted to have a senior lounge and have our own space but I’ll admit, the West Wike was a prize within itself. I definitely saw some nappers in there. I know that there were a lot of things that we wanted to do in person and surrounded by our peers, but this year was also amazing and one for the books. We had an entire hallway to ourselves, that never happens to people and we were able to bond a lot more because we were all we had. We made memories like when we all wore black after the untimely death of Breonna Taylor and when we fought for two senior skip days. We made things happen no matter if we thought someone was going to say no. 

This year, every grade had a lot of hurdles to overcome and we all persevered. This year was hard but it was also fun and definitely worth the struggles. I will miss being on campus and miss all of my peers. Have a great next year!!!

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