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Wick Statement of Purpose

Wick Statement of Purpose

As Agnes Irwin’s student newspaper, it is The Wick’s responsibility to make the student body and general school community aware of issues and events within and outside of Agnes Irwin. From a journalistic standpoint, no year is more rife with potential than 2020. This school year, like every year, The Wick’s goal is to accurately portray current events and topics that are meaningful to the student body.

The Wick’s core purpose, first and foremost, is to represent the students of Agnes Irwin and their voices, thoughts, opinions, and experiences. As stated in our mission statement, The Wick “enables students to freely explore and express their passions, and encourage their fellow peers to share their own opinions.” We provide an open forum for discussion and conversation among the student body. 

In order to better adhere to this purpose over the course of the 2020-2021 school year, The Wick will be focusing on topics and events more specific to Agnes Irwin. Rather than featuring more general or abstract articles as we have in the past, The Wick staff will strive to report on current events in a way that relates to the experiences and perspectives of those within the Agnes Irwin community to better connect with the student body and cultivate a forum for impactful discussions that will actively make changes within our community. This school year, The Wick will especially work to provide a space for open speech and amplify the voices of Agnes Irwin’s students of color. It is important to us that all students have the ability to voice their thoughts and experiences, and that those conversations become lasting and impactful change within the Agnes Irwin community.

As always, if you want The Wick to report on a topic we have yet to cover, or have not covered in depth, please email [email protected]. We are always happy to receive submissions, whether they be ideas for a story or an article itself. It is our goal to reflect the priorities and interests of the student body, and we depend on your input and feedback. Thank you for your support.

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