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Solving the Smoothie Question

Solving the Smoothie Question

Though a storm cloud loomed over the Agnes Irwin Upper School with finals creeping nearer and nearer, on May 13, students had a rare taste of sunshine, courtesy of the Economics and Entrepreneurship class’ Smoothie Fest. Hundreds of girls flocked to the Hamilton courtyard, cash in hand, thrilled for a cool drink as the school year heats up. There were a total of four stands to choose from, each group competing to draw in the greatest profit. Now that the frenzy has died down, and a gloomy few weeks stretch between the student body and summer, we must cling to that memory for comfort, reflecting on the sunny experience.

One stand, Agnes Erehwon, stunned customers with its beverage presentation. Each drink was artfully crafted, as if ordered directly from the famed LA grocery store itself. “The Beasom,” for example, sported layers of berry pink sandwiched between layers of yogurt. Simple and mild in flavor, the dairy offered a rich creaminess, cutting through the berries’ acidity. Although a bit melted from the noon sun, the smoothie remained relatively thick upon purchase, earning it a solid eight out of ten.

Sunside Sips also attracted a large crowd, its speedy service and complementary photography particularly enticing. One flavor, “Mango Tango,” was a blast of summer. Featuring notes of mango, pineapple, and banana, the smoothie transported customers to a summer paradise in the tropics. The chilly temperature provided welcome relief from the raging sun and was well worth the affordable price tag of $6. All things considered, Sunside Sips’ Mango Tango was an eight out of ten on flavor, and a ten out of ten on service, averaging to a nine.

Tropical Temptations was truly tempting with a beautiful stand shaded by a tropical-colored balloon arch. They offered an array of options, the most popular being the “PB and J,” but I tried the “Aloha.” A blend of pineapple and mango, this created a delicious drink that was smooth and thick. However, according to Mr. Hurford, this texture counted as a negative, as it made using a straw difficult, and some needed to venture indoors to grab a spoon. Overall the quick service, combined with the low price of $6, and the scrumptious beverage, I rated this location an eight out of ten.

Lastly, Bahama Mamaz’ stand had a particularly wide range of options, and I tried the “Strawberry Daiquiri.” This summertime twist on this popular drink was a perfect way to beat the heat and relax with a refreshing smoothie. Many had warned me that this drink would be too sweet, but I felt the freshness balanced it perfectly. The $8 needed to purchase this smoothie was on the pricey side, compared to its $6 competitors. All in all, I give this smoothie a 7.4 out of 10.

Acquiring a drink from the highly anticipated annual Smoothie Fest is well worth whatever line you must stand in or price you need to pay. The spirit in the fact that this is a competition, a battle of the smoothie stands, ensures that each drink, along with marketing, presentation, affordability, and countless other considerations are at the highest standard, set by the bar presented opposing stands. Each smoothie is prepared, blended, and served with attention to each and every detail, allowing students and faculty to indulge in a delicious, refreshing, start-of-the-summer treat each May. And, I mean, why shouldn’t they be good, they were made by Agnes Irwin girls!

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